TRUZONE® Peak Flow Meter

TRUZONE® Peak Flow Meter

An Essential Part of Effective Asthma Management

Daily use of a TRUZONE® Peak Flow Meter to record objective Peak Expiratory Flow (PEF) readings may help patients to recognize worsening lung function – even before they have any symptoms – and may even help track and identify activities or environmental triggers aggravating their condition.  Daily Peak Flow use helps patients become active partners in monitoring their asthma and provides an accurate early warning system which may save trips to the hospital emergency room thereby reducing healthcare costs.

Measurements may also help to:

  • Decide when to add or adjust medications
  • Record and trend objective PEF readings
  • Determine when to start the steps of the patient’s Asthma Action Plan
  • Correlate their asthma symptoms with potential triggers symptoms

How It Works

Peak Flow Monitoring and Symptom Monitoring

Although ‘self-monitoring’ techniques can be effective for some, there is a general inclination for patients to underestimate the severity of their everyday asthma symptoms.1 Unlike symptom monitoring, which may help patients rate and classify their symptoms, use of a TRUZONE® Peak Flow Meter gives a more objective and accurate measurement of how asthma may be affecting their lung function; Often acting as an early warning of decreasing function before the patient ever feels short of breath or are experiencing other symptoms.

The Practical Allergy (PRACTALL) consensus report on the state of asthma education and treatment guidelines for children, emphasized the need to involve the child and/or their parent/caregiver in education about their disease. The report recommended using tools specifically designed for people who are not intimately familiar with the disease to help track and monitor asthma at home.

Peak Flow based action plans:

  • Gives objective and accurate measurement of lung function
  • Provides patients with clear zones of control for modifying medications
  • Allow patients to be active participants in their therapy
  • May help track and identify triggers
  • May help identify when lung function is getting worse – even before symptoms arise
  • Can be a psychological support for patients

How To Use

  1. Take a deep breath and seal your lips around the mouthpiece
  2. Blow out as hard and fast as possible.
  3. Repeat 3 times, then note your best reading in your Daily Record.

Results recorded in the Daily Record identify changes, trends or patterns in lung function. Using this information at each appointment can show if updates or changes to treatment plans or medication are required – so you can be sure their Asthma Action Plan is working for them.


These are abbreviated instructions for use, please remember to read the complete instructions that are packaged with your device.

Instructions for Use/Indications for Use

(English and Spanish)

Quick Start Guide

(English and Spanish)

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It is generally recommended that peak flow be measured twice a day or as per your recommendation. It will be easiest for patients to remember to record their peak flow reading if it is linked to something they do twice a day – like brushing their teeth.  Performing the peak flow around the same time and in the same position provides a better trend of lung function.

In a hospital or clinic environment, the TRUZONE® Peak Flow Meter may be used for multiple patients provided it is used with a disposable one-way valve and is disinfected between patients. The device can be disinfected up to 10 times using either Cidex OPA or Revital Ox Resert. Please download a copy of the product insert for full instructions.

If you have a question that was not answered here, please contact us.


  1. Rubin BK. What Does It Mean When a Patient Says,”My Asthma Medication Is Not Working?”.  Chest 2004;126:972-981.