Good Press AARC Members in the News June 2016

Good Press: AARC Members in the News features AARC members who were recently noted, quoted and interviewed.

Dr. Anderson
Dr. Michael Anderson
Hawaii Society for Respiratory Care
Tim Myers AARC Good Press
Tim Myers
Don Guess AARC Good Press
Don Guess
Karen Schell AARC Good Press
Karen Schell
Nita Hudsick AARC Good Press
Nita Hudsick
Susan Mcquade AARC Good Press
Susan Mcquade

Chief Medical Officer for University Hospitals, Dr. Michael Anderson, was recently interviewed by ideastream on how hospitals in Cleveland, Ohio, have prepared for the upcoming Republican National Convention.

“I’m very impressed by collaboration between the major health systems in town. The Cleveland Clinic, St. Vincent Charity, Metrohealth, and UH have been coming together for, goodness, over a year now to do this planning, because we realize providing medical care for the delegates, for the VIPs, for the media — is so important because Cleveland has so much to be proud of for health care,” he stated in the interview.

Hawaii Society members got some great coverage for the recent passage of their licensure bill in this article in the Queen’s Connection out of the Queen’s Health Systems. The bill makes RT licensure permanent in the state.

Tim Myers talks about the profession in this article in the Chicago, IL, Tribune. “It’s a field that keeps moving,” he was quoted as saying. “There will always be more to learn.”

Laura Latka explains why she volunteers to serve as a counselor at a local asthma camp for kids in this article in the Corpus Christi, TX, Caller Times. “I have a really great time showing these kids that asthma is not debilitating. It’s a controllable disease,” she was quoted as saying.

Don Guess shares his experiences adopting a child from China in this article on He recently traveled to the country with his daughter Samantha as part of group aimed at helping adopted kids learn more about their heritage. “We give her every opportunity and every resource we have to let her find herself. She can be anyone she wants to be, even if she wants to come to China and find her birth mother someday,” Don was quoted as saying.

Laura Riley is noted as a panel member at an upcoming event aimed at launching a new web and smartphone app for COPD patients in this press release in the Louisville, KY, Insider. Joining her on the panel were area physicians and the director of the Louisville Department of Health and Wellness.

Dania Polanco-Hiraldo is called a “Hometown Hero” for her commitment to building a health clinic in the town of El Burro in the Dominican Republic in this article and video on the WTOC-TV website out of Savannah, GA. Dania still has family in the area and her efforts on behalf of the community were redoubled earlier this year when her grandfather passed away, in part due to the lack of care. “This really . . . pushed me forward to knock on every door, because I know if it happened to my grandfather, it can happen to somebody else, and it’s something that can be prevented,’’ she was quoted as saying.

Karen Schell explains why she thinks exposing her RT students to works of art will help them be better therapists in this article on the University of Kansas Medical Center website. “It’s a novel approach to learning skills that has never been done with respiratory students,” Schell was quoted as saying. “I thought it would be a great way to improve our educational process.” RT student Trung Nguyen agrees. “When applying the way we observe and enjoy an artistic masterpiece to the way we perceive a patient, we see more things about the patient. The more we see, the better judgements we can make. The better judgements we make, the better the patient outcome will be.”

Nita Hudsick advises people in her community to beware of breathing problems that could result from controlled burns in the area in this article and video on the KYMA-TV website out of Yuma, AZ. “As with any air pollutant when it is heavy like that, what you need to remember is to stay indoors where you have the filtration systems functioning,” she was quoted as saying.

Susan Mcquade and Kelly Couch provide information about their asthma camp for kids in this article and video on the FOX-TV website out of Abilene, TX.  “We have had some kids come to the camp for many years and now they’re counselors in training,” Kelly was quoted as saying.