Annually, the AARC produces Current Topics in Respiratory Care, an educational video series that offers an in-depth exploration of recent scientific advancements in respiratory care. The eight-disc DVD series also includes evidence-based practices that improve delivery of care and reduce readmissions, and each program concludes with a test which, when completed successfully, will earn the viewer one hour of CRCE® credit. Presented by leaders in respiratory care, the series cultivates high-performing respiratory therapists and helps them educate patients and implement best practices in care.
Each video topic is presented as a one-hour lecture and the DVDs offer flexibility for group or individual viewings. We asked Current Topics customers to share some of their best practices on how they implement the video series in their facility. Here’s what they had to say.
Employee engagement
Anna Molsen, AAS, RRT, who works at Palos Community Hospital in Illinois, makes the video series available to her staff to view monthly, giving them the opportunity to earn CRCE credits and help in their yearly evaluations.
“Engagement of personnel, I think, is the greatest benefit,” Molsen said, when asked about the benefits of the video series. “It keeps them aware of innovations, technology and best practices.”
Molsen feels that the Case Management for COPD program was one of the most memorable topics from this year’s series.
“Case management for COPD was a standout topic since we have recently added a respiratory navigator to our staff,” Molsen said.
Creative response to tightening budgets
Joel Nofziger, RRT, of the ProMedica Toledo Hospital in Ohio, has implemented these videos within the department for all respiratory care staff.
“We started this a few years ago when the travel and education budget was being frozen or eliminated,” said Nofziger. “It was our alternative solution to still provide a few CRCE credits to the staff.”
Nofziger also credits the COPD video topic as most beneficial to his team this past year, helping support and provide inspiration to their new program.
“This year we initiated a COPD educational program for COPD patients admitted to the hospital,” Nofziger said. “The goal was to reduce readmission rates for this population. We have seen some great results in reducing the readmission rates so far.”
Improved employee satisfaction
Jolene Beaber, BA, RRT of the Blessing Hospital in Illinois, explained that, in her department, staff members volunteered to organize the video presentations. While these scheduled presentations were offered as one option, they also allowed staff members to watch the videos on their own.
“Our staff appreciates the hospital paying for these programs because it helps them keep up with what is current and meet their continuing education requirements,” Beaber said. “Because the hospital provides this additional education, it also helps to build employee satisfaction.”
Beaber asked one of her staff members about what was one of their favorite video topics from this year. Her colleagues’ top picks include the Future of Mechanical Ventilation for ARDS (program 6) and COPD Case Management by Respiratory Therapists (program 4), noting that they were both helpful and interesting.
Kick-off 2018 with RT Team Training
There’s no better time to implement a departmental continuing-education program than at the start of a new year. Order your 2017 Current Topics series before 2018 begins and stay-tuned for the 2018 Current Topics official release in March.